Will my case be prioritized?

Appeals are normally processed in the order they arrive according to category.

Priority due to the situation of the appellant
Applications for international protection can be prioritised in cases of particularly vulnerable individuals, such as unaccompanied children, people with disabilities, people with a mental health disorder, elderly people, pregnant women, single parents with young children, victims of trafficking, seriously ill individuals and victims of torture, rape or other serious mental, physical or sexual violence.

The decision to prioritise is taken after a preliminary review of the case file, upon receipt of the appeal. Most appellants are in a vulnerable situation. A decision to prioritise one appellant normally means delay for the others. Therefore, cases involving particularly vulnerable individuals are prioritised only in exceptional instances.

Manifestly ill-founded applications
If the Directorate of Immigration has concluded that the application is manifestly ill-founded and the applicant’s country of origin is on the Directorate’s list of safe countries of origin, the Board will normally expedite the appeal. The specific situation of the appellant that may be relevant for his right to international protection or residence permit is always thoroughly examined.

Cases processed in conjunction for purposes of efficiency
The Board regularly has a number of cases under review that share certain characteristics, such as that the appellants come from the same country, or where the same legal issues are present. When possible and efficient, such cases are processed together. This can mean that some of these cases are processed faster than other cases.

Despite cases having similar characteristics, each of them receives a full review of their specific circumstances and the situation of the appellant.
